IMEB, INC (International Medical Equipment) was founded in 1984 by John O’Brien, current President and CEO. The intent was to establish a company that could offer a full line of supplies, equipment and services for the Pathology lab including Clinical, Anatomical, Veterinary, Dermatology and Research. Since that time we have accomplished much of our original intent. We also serve accounts world-wide. Our updated website allows you access to all of our products – from new equipment, refurbished equipment and lab supplies. Log on to your account (sign up is easy and free!) and easily review previous orders, get a new quote, ask questions or inquire on an order and track your shipments. Performance and customer satisfaction are our number one objective in all supplies and services that we provide. We offer you, the customer, 100% product satisfaction.
John O’Brien
President / CEO
Use the catalog number, specify size and/or unit of measure, a brief description of the item, quantity desired and any special color choices pertinent to the item. You can place your order in the following ways:
170 Vallecitos De Oro
San Marcos, CA 92069
(760) 761-0859
(800) 543-.8496 or (760) 761-0836
When specific shipping instructions are lacking, the method of shipment employed will be based on the nature of the material, destination and the size and weight of the package. Air shipments, at an additional charge, will be made upon request, with the exception of hazardous chemicals banned from air shipment by DOT regulations.
Your order will be shipped FOB San Marcos, CA. In case of damage or loss in transit, immediately upon receipt of you shipment carefully unpack it and inspect for shortages and damages. DO NOT ACCEPT A DAMAGED SHIPMENT. If you must accept a damaged shipment let the carrier’s driver add a “damaged notation” to your delivery receipt. You must call our office within 24 hours of delivery of damaged goods.
Terms are Net 30 for established customers who have processed credit information and have been assigned an IMEB, INC. Customer ID number. We also accept credit card payment with Visa and MasterCard. Minimum order of fifty dollars ($50.00) is enforced for any purchase.
If for any reason goods must be returned, you must contact the main office for a return authorization number. Overages or shortages of products should be reported within 10 days of the arrival of the order. If goods are returned without a number, IMEB will be unable to issue credit to your account. Returns are subject to 20% restocking charge and all shipping charges, but enforcement of this charge will depend on the particular circumstances necessitating the return.
There are no warranties either expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the items as contained in this catalog. All of our chemicals are offered for research and investigational purposes only and are not intended for food, drug, cosmetic or household use. IMEB, INC. is required by O.S.H.A to send the Safety Data Sheets with initial order. If you do not receive a SDS please contact (800) 543-8496 Ext. 108.