
Refurbished coverslippers, reconditioned coverslippers, quality refurbished pathology equipment / histology equipment  since 1984! Many models to choose from. Contact IMEB, Inc. Your Pathology Partner.

Wide range of quality pathology supplies and new and refurbished pathology equipment / histology equipment.  Refurbished pathology equipment / histology equipment including microtomes, cryostats, embedding centers, coverslippers, tissue processors, slide stainers, microscopes, grossing stations with warranty!

IMEB, Inc.’s Service & Repair Department offers a variety of plans to service and maintain your Histology and Pathology equipment. Our trained technicians can provide yearly preventative maintenance programs, service requests, contracts, and emergency response for all makes and models of equipment. Contact IMEB for all of your service and repair needs.

Contact IMEB for a custom quote for coverslippers, other pathology equipment, pathology supplies, and all your pathology needs. Many makes and models to choose from.

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