Leica ST5010 XL Autostainer
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The Leica ST5010 XL Autostainer continuous loading system ensures optimal utilization of the instrument. Especially during longer staining procedures.
A higher operational capacity and a design by international safety standards. The LEICA ST5010XL Autostainer is a reliable choice for the histopathological laboratory.
Product Features
- User-friendly integrated control panel.
- Memory for 15 programs with up to 25 steps in each program.
- Tinted protective lid impervious to vapor contact with organic solvents.
- Internal fume extraction and charcoal filter system
- Accommodate specific laboratory needs
- High specimen throughput supports laboratory workflows with up to 11 racks of 30 slides concurrently.
- Flexible staining/coverslipping solution.
- User-friendly integrated control panel.
- Memory for 15 programs with up to 25 steps in each program.
- Tinted protective lid impervious to vapor contact with organic solvents.
- Internal fume extraction and charcoal filter system.
- Use stand-alone or integrated with the Leica CV5030 Glass Coverslipper to create a user-friendly staining/coverslipping workstation.
- Upgrade to match your laboratory’s specific needs.
- Efficient software provides easy programming and one-touch operation. This ensures runs start quickly and operator errors are minimized.
- Compact, space-saving.
- It includes an integrated slide drying station and up to 5 water stations.
- The compact design helps save space in the laboratory. Not without losing the flexibility to carry out various protocols simultaneously.
The Leica ST5010 XL Autostainer is a reliably robust refurbished histology instrument and piece of refurbished pathology equipment.