Reichert / Leica Biocut 2030 Microtome (Refurbished)
Refurbished with a Warranty. Call for a Custom Quote!
Specially designed for the needs of the modern routine paraffin sectioning laboratory. All units include a disposable blade holder and cassette speed clamp.
Product Features
- Excellent sectioning results with the classic Leica feel.
- Attractive state-of-the-art design.
- Ergonomically designed base with armrests for fatigue-free operation.
- Consistently perfect sectioning when using standard knives or disposable blades.
- Smooth handwheel movement allows controllable sectioning speed with zero backlash.
- Vertical roller veering sideways prevents any deviation of the specimen cylinder during sectioning.
- The section counter will determine the number of sections made.
- The automatic specimen feed is 1 to 60u, specifically 1 to 10u in 1u increments, 10 to 20u in 2u increments, and 20 to 60u in 5u increments.
- The full feed range is 25mm. Universal quick-change specimen holder systems allow versatile use of different specimen holders. X/Y Orientation.
The Reichert / Leica Biocut 2030 microtome is a reliably robust refurbished histology instrument and piece of refurbished pathology equipment.