All cryostats include a warranty.

Refurbished cryostats by IMEB Inc. Our company offers name brands by Leica, Avantik, Microm, and Shandon because we believe in supplying the best quality machines. These items are part of our refurbished pathology equipment line. Each previously used cryostat is professionally serviced by our technicians and meticulously inspected before offering them to the public. We specialize in pathology instruments, refurbished lab equipment, and histology instruments. Buying refurbished cryostats will save you money. These instruments are also perfect for backups. Call our friendly customer service representatives today for a quote 1.800.543.8496 or email

All products are subject to availability.

Check out our sale items

Leica 3050S Refurbished Cryostat
Leica CM3050 S Refurbished On Sale
Leica CM1860 refurbished cryostat
Leica CM1860 UV Refurbished On Sale
Leica 1850UV Refurbished Cryostat
Leica CM1850 UV Refurbished On Sale
Leica CM1850 UV Cryostat (Refurbished)
Leica 1510 S Cryostat Refurbished On Sale
Avantik QS11 refurbished cryotat on a gray background
Avantik QS11 Cryostat Refurbished On Sale
Avantik QS12 refurbished cryostat on a gray background
Avantik QS12 Cryostat Refurbished On Sale

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Shandon Cryotome SME Cryostat
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