Refurbished Pathology Equipment
IMEB Inc. offers a wide range of Refurbished Pathology Equipment, including microtomes, tissue processors, paraffin dispensers, embedding centers, cryostats, slide stainers, centrifuges, and tissue floatation baths.
Use Pathology microtomes to cut tissue into thin sections. The tissue must be hard enough so that tissues do not crush.
Slide Stainers
Pathology slide stainers allow users to apply dye, peroxidase, antibodies, and conjugated enzymes to tissue samples. The process increases the contrast between different tissue parts, making it easier to analyze using a microscope.
Slice samples are kept at low cryogenic temperatures (called the “frozen sectioning procedure”) with Pathology cryostats.
Embedding Center
Prepare biological tissue samples (to section off in a microtome) for embedding into paraffin blocks for histological examination using a Pathology embedding center.
Paraffin Wax Dispenser
Melt and dispense paraffin wax for embedding tissue samples using a Pathology Paraffin wax dispenser.
Pathology centrifuges spin the internal container at high speeds, creating centrifugal forces.
Flotation bath
Prepare tissue samples for microscopic examination with Pathology flotation baths.